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In the book, you’ll find that it talks about an event that happened in the year 1356. Since you don’t need to read the book before actually solving the puzzle, having the answer lets you skip a potential fight, or a Stealth section if you do it perfectly. The vault puzzle is simple enough, but the book that has the code is on the second floor.
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Crisis Core Safe Code: How to get the Nibelheim Shinra Manor Safe Code.
Posted: Thu, 22 Dec 2022 08:00:00 GMT [source]
How to Solve the Counting House Vault Puzzle in Baldur’s Gate 3
The closest waypoint to the Counting House is likely the Heapside Strand. Once there, just head west a ways until you see the bridge on your left. There will also be two guards standing on either side of the doors, as a further hint that you’ve reached the right place. You’ll know if you stood on the correct panel because you’ll get a pleasant ‘ding!
The Counting House - High Security Vaults[edit edit source]
However, to enter the magically protected vault, players need to find codes in the Head Banker’s Office on the second floor. If you want to get to the office while avoiding fighting the guards, there are a variety of different strategies you can employ. These high security vaults each have a DC 30 Sleight of Hand check lock that has Enchanted Security which prevents Knock spells from opening it.
How to Open the Counting House Vault in Baldur's Gate 3
If you want to dig through the books, you’ll want to use Astarion, especially if you aren’t playing as a Rogue. Have Astarion Stealth to the second floor, then use invisibility to get past the guards. Otherwise, a Druid can turn into a cat and slip into the Bank Manager’s room where the book is. One such confusing puzzle is located in the Counting House and involves players trying to get inside the Vault. So, to help you get inside and live out your heist fantasy, here’s how to solve the Counting House Vault puzzle in Baldur’s Gate 3. Counting House Vault n°4 Key - Can be looted or pickpocketed from Roger Highberry in Highberry's Home in the Lower City.
If violence is not your preferred method but, for whatever reason, you aren’t able to get a pass to go through the Counting House gate, there is a stealthy roundabout way to get in. Nearby, neighboring just slightly west of the Counting House, is a warehouse called Flymm Cargo. Go into this building and back out through the southern metal door (you’ll have to lockpick it first).
High security vaults[edit edit source]
The vault code is in the Head Banker's Office, which is on the second floor of the building. If you get spotted, you have to pass a DC25 skill check, and you'd end up getting booted back to the entrance. That’s how to solve the vault puzzle in Act 3 of Baldur’s Gate 3. The puzzle itself is simple, but getting the code is hard if you want to avoid fighting the guards. For more help, check our BG3 guides hub for topics like how to get to the House of Hope or if you should free Orpheus. The Counting House is a heavily guarded banking and storage facility located in the Lower City of Baldur's Gate in Act Three.
While the cat's Meow action can distract enemies, we're going to focus more on its traversal benefits. In this specific instance, you can go to the lower level just prior to the steps that lead to the vault (i.e. where the guards asked for your documents). There's a small storage room here, which also happens to have a pipe. Since a cat is small enough, interacting with the pipe causes them to reach the Head Banker's Office on the second floor. As mentioned earlier, the Baldur's Gate 3 Counting House can be found in the southern portion (i.e. -98; -148 on the minimap).

How to Solve the Vault Puzzle in Act 3 of Baldur’s Gate 3
You have to get into the main vault, but it’s protected by a four-digit code, which requires you to key in the correct combination by stepping on the corresponding tiles on the floor. You can acquire this code by breaking into the Head Banker’s office on the second floor of the bank, or you could read on and save yourself the trouble. The Counting House heist is part of Jaheira’s The High Harper Quest in Act III of BG3, with the vault holding someone from Jaheira’s past. Here’s how to solve the Counting House vault puzzle and complete this portion of the wider quest. The Counting House dock is a restricted area, and you’ll be either arrested or ousted and thrown to the front door if you’re spotted by the patrolling guards. You can try distracting them, perhaps with a druid’s Wild Shape cat form, but invisibility is the easiest way to get past them.
If you’re hunting after Minsc, you’ll end up going to the bank in Baldur’s Gate, which is called the Counting House. There’s only one door to the vault, and it’s locked by a tile-based puzzle. But searching for the code you need can be challenging, as you’ll have to pass some skill checks and deal with guards. Here’s how to solve the vault puzzle in Act 3 of Baldur’s Gate 3.

As you stalk your way through the Counting House, ideally robbing every nook and cranny absolutely blind, you’ll find yourself faced with a vault and a puzzle. And you could run around everywhere, trying to figure it out. Here’s how to solve the Counting House Vaults Puzzle in Baldur’s Gate 3. Exploring the world of Baldur's Gate 3 leads to many discoveries, and you're likely to find more in the Lower City during the game's third act.
Here’s how to crack the Baldur’s Gate 3 Counting House vault code so you can gain access to the most secure place in all of Faerun. Baldur’s Gate 3 includes a variety of intricate puzzles, and the puzzle in the Counting House Vault is one of the most challenging. We’ve got the solution to the Counting House Vault puzzle to help streamline your game. For his part, Minsc will be encountered again later in Act III.
The Counting House is the southern-most building in the Lower City of Baulder’s Gate. It’s slightly separated by the rest of the city by a stone bridge, and its giant lavish doors beneath a gold lion emblem are hard to miss. You’ll know it’s the Counting House because it’s the only fancy looking building in all of Baulder’s Gate’s Lower City. Once you’ve opened the BG3 Counting House vault, you’ll be presented with an interesting scenario and reunited with an old friend.
Jump onto the boat directly in front (you may need to cast enhanced leap, fly, or misty step to do this). The Counting House guards aren’t all that tough, but they do have big swords, and they sure do know how to use them. Just make sure you have your beefiest characters with you, and you’ll be able to muscle through it. After you’ve taken care of the guards on the first floor, you can head through the giant center gate and make your way to the vault, continuing your path of slaughter all the way down.
Just make sure that your characters don’t accidentally step on an incorrect tile, as you’ll have to begin the puzzle again. There is a lot to explore in Baldur’s Gate 3, with our BG3 review going into a spoiler-free hint at several highlights. Before you tackle the Counting House vault, it’s worth taking another look at your class – you don’t want to be caught short if a fight breaks out. Here’s how to crack the code so you can break into the Counting House vault.
The vaults are tied to the quest "Aid the Underduke" and lead into other major story Arcs. You can get this quest by helping guild thugs fight the Stone Lord crew and/or finding the Guild Hall. Guild Hall is located insoutheastern part of Baldur's Gate, to the right of Sorcerous Sundries. Once you have your pass, you can show it to the guards and pass through the giant gate in the Counting House. From there, just follow the linear halls all the way down, and you’ll arrive at the vault.
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